The Knight In The Wife Of Bath's Tale

Words: 489
Pages: 2

In the wife of Bath’s tale the knight does not make a very good impression but yet he is a very important character in the story. The knight has a horrible perception of how a night supposed to be. His greedy and selfishness overpowers him and is blinded by what he thinks is right. He is a protagonist because of all the action in the story surrounding him and his mistakes. The wife of Bath’s tale begins were the knight rapes a young woman. Knights are supposed to protect woman. This night right away shows how poorly his character is. He whines and complains about his promises he has to keep. The promises he has to keep is the request of the old lady who saved his life by giving him the correct answer the Queen was looking for. Knights are considered to be strong, intelligent, and being able to protect but in this tale the knight takes advantage of what he is and thinks he can do anything and goes and rapes a young woman and by that he gets punished for. He is so desperate to find the correct answer to the queen’s question, “what do woman most desire?” He wouldn’t have ever figured it out without the help of the old lady. Even then when he married …show more content…
He expresses himself in so many ways and shows her how worthless she is. The old lady does not take offense at the insult, but calmly gives a speech about the true origins of gentility and the advantages of poverty and old age. The knight may be cruel and not likable but he is teachable. This means that he learned what the old lady was trying to tell him by giving him a choice. Whether for her to be ugly but faithful or young and beautiful with no guarantee of her fidelity. The knight decides to give up and let her take control. He learned that men need to be taught to listen to woman and not look at them as a worthless object they can mess around with. This helps his relationship with her by not only letting her be happy but him