The Pros And Cons Of Overcoming Obstacles

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Pages: 3

Obstacles and disadvantages are always going to be with us through out life ;however, they are here for us to overcome them. When you go out to the real world, problems are going to be everywhere ,but it’s how you fix your problem that will affect if it’s good or bad.
An obstacle can be with you since the day you were born ;however, some things in life can not be changed but it is how you live with them what matters. For example, in the book “The Outsiders” there is two groups in high school ,the greasers and the socs. Some of their groups wish they weren’t with them because they just want to live a different life and not be stuck with the same people forever. Consquently, Ponyboy ,a greaser, found that him and his friends wouldn’t be able to talk to any girl because girls were scared of them. This affected that he
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For example, in the book “The Glass Castle” Jeanette was socially awkard at school and at home this lead for it to become an obstacle in her life. You would think that maybe most of the times parents are supportive over the decisions you do however this wans’t the case for poor Jeanette. Consequently, people at her school bullied her because of the way she dressed, not having friends, being poor, or just anything she would do. These obstacles only made Jeanette feel bad about herself and lead more problems at home. This affected that her counselor soon noticed and helped her out because sometimes you just need the right people around you to overcome obstacles. Her counselor helped her out by making her get involved in after school activities , so people would notice she wasn’t as awkard as they thought. As a result, the other people around school noticed that she was actually a fun person to hang out with. Overcoming her obstacle of being shy and awkard lead for her to be a social person now which lead to her having a positive mind most of the