The Similarities And Differences Between The Southeast And West Regions

Words: 164
Pages: 1

Did you ever wonder how the southeast and west regions are alike and different? If you do, hang on for an amazing ride! Both regions are located in the United States of America and makes up a good percentage of the land.
Do you know that the Southeast and west region goes up to 60° F, and they both have warm days. The Southeast region has hurricanes and reaches 0©. The west region has dry days and reaches 20°. Do you know that landform about the southeast and the west region has mountains (the Rockies and the Appalachians). They both have 1 or more lakes (Okeechobee, Great Salt Lake). They both have sightseeing. (Mt.Mitchell, Death Valley.) The west has a desert called Death Valley. The southeast has the Mississippi River.
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