Theme Of Trust In Macbeth

Words: 528
Pages: 3

In both works the theme of trust through the protagonist through his decision. We can see some similarities in between both protagonist in the theme of trust through their decision we see how both main character are becoming both untrusting through their decision comparing Macbeth and chuck we see throughout both stories Chuck and Macbeth become more and more paranoid on who to trust because of the decisions they made before for example of this we see once Macbeth kills Duncan Macbeth then becomes paranoid worried that people will find out that he killed Duncan which result in Macbeth excluding people he trusted before like Banquo and Macduff but because of his decision of killing Duncan he then becomes paranoid and send murders to kill Banquo because he thought that Banquo kids were going to dethrone him and with the situation with Macduff is that now