Theseus Modern Hero

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Pages: 3

One of pop cultures most famous superheroes, Batman, once stated, "It's not who we are underneath, but what we do that defines us." Our interpretation of modern heroes today is someone worth idealizing for their achievements or noble qualities. Not much different from the Greeks whose champions reflected many of the values and qualities that they admired. Theseus is an example of this because he uses his friends, intelligence, strength and courage to help him tread through dangerous adventures.
What's a hero without his trusted companions. Theseus is accompanied by his beloved "friend and brother-in-arms." (218) Pirithoüs on numerous adventures. Since there meeting at the Calydonian Hunt Pirithoüs has proved himself "exceedingly useful" (218) especially at the wedding fiasco of Lapithae. Here Pirithoüs fought along side Theseus in driving out the whole race of centaurs out of his country. This is a prefect example that heroes can't always do it alone this is an attribute is seen in other Greek heros as well. But Pirithoüs ambition would lead him to catastrophe and one that not even Theseus could save him from. The two marched to the Underworld for the Hand of Persephone. After the Wedding disaster Pirithoüs thought the bride of the Hades would be a good replacement. Theseus
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His intelligence strength and courage are worth admiration. After the death of his fathers death Theseus became king of Athens and as a ruler Theseus was "... a most wise and disinterested king" (216). His intellectual creativity created the 1st democracy. His wisdom assisted the people. This particular quality was reverence by the Athenians. Along with being intelligent Theseus also possessed great strength. according to Edith's retelling he "....grew up strong far beyond others" (210). He was mighty enough to move a Great bolder as a young man and pulverized the Minotaur to death. His strength helped him defeat evil and protect