Timothy Mcveigh: The Oklahoma City Bombing

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Pages: 5

The Oklahoma City Bombing was a devastating time for Oklahoma along with the rest of the nation. People’s lives were lost and destroyed. The children were not even spared. Building after building reaped the consequences aside the Murrah building. All this was due to a man named Timothy McVeigh. He received the death penalty because of his actions. It was a logical choice to have the execution closed-circuited
Timothy McVeigh was born in New York in 1968. He lived there until he joined the army. Although his main goal was to become a Green Beret. Some years later he got that opportunity. McVeigh soon realized he was not cut out for the Green Berets though. He then requested leave from the army. Shortly after a standoff occurred in Waco, Texas. Federal agents had stormed into a compound. Many people died and many people blamed the government for the deaths. One of those people was Timothy McVeigh.
The bombing of the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building was executed by Timothy McVeigh. He was prompted by the events in Waco, Texas. McVeigh scheduled the bombing for April 19 in 1995. He parked a Ryder truck outside the building , quite close to the front. Inside sat the bomb. McVeigh had also parked a getaway car,
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The surviving victims and their families are content with that sentence. Although now a new issue had arisen. Should the execution be on an open or closed circuit feed? Should the public be able to watch it or should it be restricted to only the victims and their families? McVeigh, always, a man to make a scene, wanted the public to be able to watch it (Carlson). “McVeigh will be the first condemned killer to get not only a last meal and last words but also a last photo op” (Carlson). He wants everyone to know what he did and that he is capable of doing anything for his cause, even if that means dying. He would be unable to do that if the execution is on a closed