Titanic Persuasive Essay

Words: 553
Pages: 3

Why the Titanic sank? How did the Titanic hit an iceberg and why were there problems before people boarded the ship? The Titanic sunk by the catastrophic end in the North Atlantic plunging 2 miles to the ocean floor. People that were said it was doomed for the start from the way it was designed. This shows that when they were in the processes of building the ship it was they say, “only 20 lifeboats for only half of her 22,000 passengers and crew members. The second critical lapse that contributed to the loss of so many lives was the, number of lifeboats carried on the titanic.(history) This means they didn't follow number of lifeboats, 2 wooden cutters, 14 standard wooden lifeboats and 4 collapsible canvas lifeboats. This was far too few for the number of people aboard, and yet remarkably, this was technically legal; the law at that time based the number of lifeboats required on the gross register tonnage of a ship, …show more content…
"We could see groups of the almost fifteen hundred people still aboard, clinging in clusters or bunches, like swarming bees; only to fall in masses, pairs or singly, as the great after part of the ship, two hundred and fifty feet of it, rose into the sky, till it reached a sixty-five or seventy degree angle’’. First, a survivor named Millvina Dean and her brother were in bed and her dad heard a terrific noise so her dad went on board to see what it was and said the ship has hit an iceberg. This shows that when they heard the noise, they did the evacuation plan and did everything right. One factor leading to the sinking of the Titanic was, a lot of people thought the ship wouldn't sink when they got on board. Millvina mother got into a boat because she was so small she had to get put into a sack when they reached their dock her mother realized that she didn't have her son then soon realized that he was held by another passenger her dad was