Titus Andronicus Research Paper

Words: 353
Pages: 2

Short Paper #2: Titus Andronicus Titus Andronicus was a tragedy that written by Williams Shakespeare. This story is full of passion and revenge, which Tamora revenges for her country and sons, Titus Andronicus revenges for Lavinia and his sons, and Lucius revenges for his brothers and father, etc. Not to talk about those main characters, I would like to talk about antagonist, Aaron, in this play. Just like Aaron describes himself, that there is no crime in Titus Andronicus in which he has not had a hand. In other words, the arrival of Aaron is like the gift for Tamora, which bringing her dream of revenge to reality. Shakespeare created this depthless evil character to move audiences to contempt. And for audiences, there is barely possibility