To Kill A Mockingbird Foreshadowing Quotes

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To Kill A Mockingbird Essay

Prejudice, in the novel To Kill A Mockingbird, is described as the “simple hell people give other people without even thinking” and the novel powerfully portrays examples of racial and social prejudice, it also portrays metaphors and symbolism. In To Kill A Mockingbird, Harper Lee uses foreshadowing to describe that certain tragic events could and most likely will occur. She foreshadows to show the reader that the world is unimaginable and that it is unfair and cruel to those who are different. For example, a quote used was “Your father’s right,” she said. “Mockingbirds don't do one thing but make music for us to enjoy… but sing their hearts out for us. That’s why it’s a sin to kill a mockingbird.” ( 90, Miss Maudie) This quote helps the reader analyze and guess that there will be racial prejudice against someone completely innocent and kind. The foreshadowing also proves that the world isn't and won't just be sunshine and rainbows. Another element Lee used was a metaphor, she used many metaphors to show deeper meanings to the context, such as, “I tried to climb into Jem’s skin and walk around in it.” Of course, Scout didn't really walk in Jem's skin, but Harper Lee wanted to show that in order to understand someone, and understand what kind of person they are, you have to walk in their shoes, or live life the way he live it . This also shows how Scout was raised, Scout was not raised with a closed mindset, but instead with an open one and an intelligent one. She was taught that social prejudice isn't
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To Kill a MockingBird is also a novel on how to kill the innocence in people. Whether it is done on purpose or accidental the actions of individuals change people. It should be understood that not everyone is cruel, and it is up to those who believe in the kindness of humanity to remain brave, and