To Kill A Mockingbird Inequality Analysis

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Pages: 4


“No two leaves are alike, and yet there is no antagonism between them, or between the branches on which they grow.” This quote is by M. K. Gandhi. Gandhi was an anti-war activist, who wanted equality for everyone. People segregate people everyday, but yet so many other things are alike and live peacefully. In To Kill a Mockingbird inequality of the world is observed in the lives of Tom Robinson, Dolphus Raymond, and Boo Radley. Dolphus Raymond was subjected to inequality by the people of Maycomb County. “I try to give 'em a reason, you see. It helps folks if they can latch onto a reason... folks can say Dolphus Raymond's in the clutches of whiskey--that's why he won't change his ways... that's why he lives the way he does.” (Lee 200) He choses to live among the colored because he wants to and he likes their company. He doesn’t see them as work mules, he sees them as the people they are. Another quote by him is, “Cry about the hell white people give colored folks, without even stopping to think that they're people, too.” (Lee 201) Here he is talking to Dill. The children just can’t understand why the jury would do such a thing to an innocent man (Tom Robinson) and Dolphus is trying to help them. Dolphus understood
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Inequality is everywhere, not just down south (where this is taking place). Tom Robinson suffered inequality for the color of his skin, Dolphus Raymond had inequality because he saw colored people as equal, and Boo Radley had inequality pushed upon him because he didn’t leave his house and never interacted with anyone. People can be cruel and rude, but they’re not all like that. Inequality can come through many different forms, like racism, social classing, etc.. There is a way to change this. You can see past the outside and look in, see how they live and breath, just like you do. We are equal in some way or