Essay on Tour de Georgia and Task

Submitted By Priscadieka1
Words: 2068
Pages: 9


Unit: Working in a Team Level: 1 Credit Value: 3

NAME: ______prisca_______dieka_______________________________________________________________Course: __________________________________ Group:_a______ |

Learning outcomes | Assessment criteria | 1 Know that effective teamwork requires team members to behave in certain ways | 1.1 Outline positive behaviours necessary forteamwork | 2 Know how to contribute to ateam task | 2.1 Outline own strengths, skills and experiences that might be relevant to team task2.2 Identify team skills needed to complete team task2.3 Outline how own strengths and skills could match the needs of the team task | 3 Know the roles and responsibilities of team members (including their own) in relation to a given task | 3.1 Identify what the task is about and what the team is working to achieve3.2 Identify own role and responsibilities and those of others in the team3.3 Outline how own role contributes to the work of the team as a whole | 4 Be able to work positively as a member of a team | 4.1 Give examples of listening to the ideas and suggestions of others4.2 Give ideas and suggestions as to how the team might complete their task4.3 Give examples of offering help or support to other team members4.4 Give examples of accepting the help or advice of others4.5 Complete the aspects of the allocated task, in line with the brief | 5 Be able to review own performance as a member of a team | 5.1 Identify which positive teamworking behaviours were demonstrated by self in undertaking the task5.2 Identify own teamworking skills that could be improved | Learning Outcomes | Task 11.1 | Task 22.1; 2.2; 2.3 | Task 33.1; 3.2; 3.3 | Task 44.1; 4.2; 4.3; 4.4; 4.5 | Task 55.1; 5.2 | Achieved-Y/N | | | | | | Hand in Date | | | | | | Statement on Plagiarism:I confirm this work is wholly my own and that any quotations or section of the text taken from the published or unpublished work of any other person is acknowledged.Signed: Date: | Final Deadline Date:
Date Received ______________________________________& Marked:________________________By(assessor)________________________________________________________________________ |

Task | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | Interim Feedback | | | | | | Action to Achieve | | | | | | Date to be done | | | | | | Final Feedback | | | | | | |
What this unit is about
In this unit you will look at how to be an effective member of a team. You will identify the skills, roles and responsibilities needed to complete the team task and match your skills accordingly. You will take part in team tasks and review your contribution.

Very few people work in complete isolation in the workplace, most employers want employees who are able to work effectively with others in a team or group setting. An effective team depends on the cooperation and skills of all team members.
In this unit you will learn how you can contribute to the success of a team, based on an understanding of your own strengths, skills and experiences, as well as the nature of the task at hand.

You will also develop an understanding of the key behaviours and attitudes required in order to communicate and cooperate with others in a team.

You will learn about the roles and responsibilities of all team members by completing a team task. Finally you will consider your effectiveness as a team member and identify areas for improvement.

Task 1- Good Team Behaviours (1.1)
In a small group discuss how team members should behave to make the team successful. You may also want to think about behaviour that could make the team fail!
Think of all that you can and present your ideas to the rest of the class. You could organise your ideas in a mind map.

Team Behaviour
Team Behaviour


Rules? Rewards/penalties
Rules? Rewards/penalties

On your own,