Tragic Consequences Of Shakespeare's Romeo And Juliet

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Pages: 3

Romeo and Juliet is a famous play written by William Shakespeare.This play is about two ancient families , the Montagues and the Capulets This feud caused several tragic consequences for these two noble families. In this play, there’s revenge, affection and even secret marriage. This famous play seems to be written in the 16th century.

The genre of this film and text version is tragic drama, and romance. When Romeo sees his love Juliet. In Act 1, Scene 5, he compares her beauty to brightness, warmth, and light saying “She doth teach the torches to burn bright.” The Act 1, Scene 5, the theme of the background music is played throughout the rest of the film, where the scene is split. In the balcony scene, Juliet’s asks herself, “ O Romeo, O Romeo, wherefore art thou Romeo?” The background music here becomes softer and softer.

There are two major themes represented in this play which are: the forcefulness of love, and death. Love is an element described in the play. There are various types of love (physically and emotionally) shown through people like the Nurse, Paris, and definitely Romeo and Juliet. Another theme is death. There are several deaths which occurred in the text version such as violence, killing of Mercutio, Tybalt, and Paris, and the death of the two star-crossed lovers.
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The protagonists of this play are Romeo and Juliet. Romeo is a handsome young man, who is the son of Montague’s. Juliet is a young, quiet, obedient, beautiful girl who is the daughter of the Capulets. The minor characters include Friar Lawrence ( a kind-hearted priest who helps Romeo and Juliet throughout the play) , Mercutio (Romeo’s humorous loyal friend), the nurse ( capulet’s servant), Capulets (Juliet’s family), Montagues (Romeo’s family), Benvolio ( friend of Romeo), Tybalt (Juliet’s cousin) and Paris (Juliet’s suitor and cousin of the