Trujillo: A Short Story

Words: 968
Pages: 4

“That crucifix couldn’t help you get out of this prison anyways. I did you a favor and got rid of it before you get too disillusioned about its special powers,” Bloody Juan chuckled as he firmly grabbed my cuffed wrists and walked me across the narrow, dimly lit hallway. I didn’t speak a word. His nose was still crusted in the blood from when I had punched him after he attempted to grab the wooden cross from my neck. My faith in the church had dissolved ever since my school days, but the wooden necklace meant so much more to me. It represented the unity of my fellow inmates, as well as my family and everybody in the revolution. “If this God really does exist, bless Patria for sending those hand carved symbols of hope,” I thought to …show more content…
Anxiety constantly hovered around me, and I started to bite my nails until they were blistered and started to bleed. To keep my sanity, I spent most of my days thinking about my teen years. I remembered a busy household; Mate, Patria, Dede, Mama, Papa, and I, all living happily under one warm, cozy roof, telling each other stories on the carpet floor. However, this only lasted for a couple days, and I soon felt even more troubled and impotent. Trujillo had pity on me and put me in jail instead of killing me. The thought of him holding my life in his hands vexed me. “Trujillo is the devil on Earth. Am I going to allow his walls close in on me and suffocate me to death?” This led to my anger and my hunger to get revenge from him. A beam of sunlight pierced through window and rested on the floor, illuminating the room with a soft glow and filling it with a comforting warmth. “I can’t give up yet, there is still a way,” I told myself. The thoughts of my family and my fellow revolutionists helped me regain my moral, and my body followed as well, once again feeling recovered and prepared. I stood up and glanced outside of the small grimy window. A mangrove cuckoo rose from its perching branch and took flight, spreading its majestic wings. Three more birds rose and flew off as well, following the first one’s lead. “The nation needs me. I am their influence, and they will follow me. I must take lead,” I thought. No longer could I remain feeble. I had to rise up and take the lead. Once again, I spread my wings. Determination and passion flamed in my eyes, drying all my tears away. Change must occur, even if it requires sacrifice and great