Turner Syndrome Research Paper

Words: 503
Pages: 3

Turner Syndrome is a disease that affects biological females, where one of their two X chromosomes is flawed or missing, giving them 45 chromosomes instead of the normal 46.
There is a biological reason why males cannot have Turner Syndrome. Male sex chromosomes have an X and a Y. This disease makes it so that you only have a missing or defective X. Without the presence of a Y chromosome, the person affected is biologically female by default.
A Greek study from 1999 showed that Turner Syndrome can come from either the mother or the father since they both contain an X chromosome. In the meiosis process, there is a nondisjunction of the gametes giving too many or too less chromosomes. In this case, too little chromosomes were received.
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Females with Turner Syndrome have webbed necks, drooping eyelids, lots of moles, and abnormal development of bones. In addition, there are other physical problems from Turner Syndrome. The disease could also be associated with other health problems like kidney issues, heart diseases, and diabetes.
There are other problems from Turner Syndrome that are not physical. Turner Syndrome can affect the female mentally. Although it is not that prevalent, some can be mentally retarded and there are even a few learning disabilities, as well. Those that have learning disabilities usually struggle in math and visual learning.
There is no cure for Turner Syndrome. However, people with Turner Syndrome can live regular lives. Females with Turner Syndrome can go through hormone therapy to encourage puberty and menstruation. If a woman with this disease wants to and can conceive it is possible. She most likely will have to use in-vitro fertilization to get pregnant. The in-vitro fertilization treatment involves the child being conceived outside of the mother's womb. Those performing the procedure will take an egg from the mother and a sperm donation from the father to produce the