US V. Nixon Scandal Analysis

Words: 952
Pages: 4

The case of U.S. v. Nixon occurred in 1974 because of a famous event called the watergate scandal in 1972 involving the U.S. president at the time, Richard Nixon. The president broke the law, and he was trying to use his executive privilege to get away. The investigation of the scandal uncovered the white house tapes containing conversations of the watergate plans. Those tapes were what sparked the case of U.S. v. Nixon.
Nixon and many of his men were involved with the plan. Two of Nixon’s aides, G. Gordon Liddy and E. Howard Hunt were the masterminds behind the scandal, their intention was to plan a break in at democratic headquarters in the watergate hotel to hinder democratic plans. The five men who carried out the plan were Bernard L. Barker, Virgilio R. Gonzalez, Eugenio R. Martinez, James W. McCord, Jr, and Frank A. Sturgis. The five burglars were arrested the watergate offices and charged with attempted
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Bernstein and Woodward were journalists for the Washington post at the time of the scandal, they broke down the scandal leading to indictments of over 40 white house officials, this breakdown of dirty secrets used behind the scenes of the re-election and scandal made the authors well known. The book provides information into depth of the watergate scandal from the day of the heist leading up to the chain of people involved covering up for Nixon, all the drama and secrets hidden within the minds of those involved with the case. Each person led to another, uncovering even more dirty secrets that exposed Nixon. Facts stated in the book back up the corruption and executive privilege that is present in this case where Nixon takes advantage of his committee to back him up on his re-election. No political figure should have the privilege to do what they please including illegal activities that a person would normally be punished