Underground Railroad Research Paper

Words: 849
Pages: 4

Do you ever wonder how people managed to use the Underground Railroad to set slaves free? Does it amaze you how keen they were by using codes and trickery? I will explain to you in this guide the methods they used and people that helped. “The Underground Railroad was the term used to describe a network of meeting places, secret routes, passageways, and safe houses used by slaves in the U.S.to escape slave holding states” (The Underground Railroad). This intricate system lead many people to freedom. It took many special people to lead slaves to freedom. They risked their lives everyday to save those in trouble. Say you were a slave in this period of time. You would have to know who the important people are that would want to help you. Free blacks, slaves, whites, and mainly Quakers were conductors of the Underground Railroad. Of course, Harriet Tubman was a very well-known conductor of the Underground Railroad. She herself was a slave that escaped and came back to her home to save other slaves including family and friends. Many say that in all of her travels, she never lost a passenger. If you were to travel with Tubman, …show more content…
These were a big part of communicating. “People used songs such as Wade in the Water and Follow the Drinking Gourd to provide inspiration and motivation to their work” (Language of the Underground Railroad). These songs had a deep meaning to the slaves. Wade in the Water is a song Harriet Tubman would sing to you if you were traveling with her. She would sing it often. A song called Steal Away was used as a signal song. People would use this song to gather around and talk about escape plans. Sweet Chariot was yet another song people sang. If a slave heard this song, it would mean that people are coming to lead him or her to freedom. The slaves used many songs and sang often. You would be doing that