Week 3 Internet Letter Essay

Submitted By 1tsmith1
Words: 796
Pages: 4

Internet and Information Paper

Tina Smith


Jennifer Donice Lewis

Internet Information

Dear Friend,

Yes the Internet is a huge place to look things up, play games, and keep in touch with family and friends, but most of all to do research on something. Speaking of doing research on the Internet, there are five different things I take into consideration when trying to decide if a source is accurate or bias. They are as follows: One-description, Two-analysis, Three-interpretation, Four-evaluation, and Five-engagement. We will start with description. When checking the description you want to make sure that the information from this search engine is as accurate as another search engine. Next you want to analyze the results you came up with. What I mean by analysis, is taking a closer look at the results from the different search engines. Look to see what if any information is about the same. You want to make sure that “society-level” views are not present in your web searches. Next you take into consideration the “interpretation” of what you found. To find out if your information is bias or not, carefully read it over at least twice and think about what is being said. Does the information sound one-sided? If so then it is bias and you do not want to use it. Also when looking over your searches look to see if the information could be brought to you by what we call “big business”, one’s with money. These sites are usually only in it for the money. They usually do not care about the public in general, just want to make money. Next comes times to “evaluate” what you have found. Does the search site you are looking at tend to reflect on the corporate perspectives? One’s that tend to finance them. If so, then they most likely are not a reliable source to go with. Last you want to look at the “engagement” of your sources. Start by checking where alternative information sources do exist elsewhere on the Internet. When you look something up does it tend to offer you other sources to look at also? No matter what it is you are to look up and get information on you always want to make sure that your source is reliable. This way you get the proper information you need. Some people may have to go to a family member’s house, friends, or even the library to do research, as they cannot afford a computer. This is what is called a “digital divide”. It is a “contrast of the “information haves”, those who can afford to purchase computers and pay for Internet service, and the” information have-nots”, those who may not be able to afford a computer or pay for Internet services” (University of Phoenix, 2012, p.63). Even though more households have one or more computers than those that do not, there is still a huge gap there. There is the talk about slow dial-up and high-speed broadband service. If you are