Westward Expansion

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Pages: 3

The Westward Expansion was a time in the United States past where the colonies granted land from other countries. The colonists believed that this was “Manifest Destiny” or the obvious choice for expanding westward. This was an exciting time in the United States history with riches, new lands, new people and new transportation.

One land that was acquired during the Westward Expansion was the Acquisition of Oregon. This was when Britain agreed to give the United States a boundary from at the pacific coast. The Texas Annexation was when American’s moved from the colonies to Texas. Texas was still under Mexico’s rule. There was a short war that the United States won. After that, Texas became the 28th state in the United States. The Louisiana
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Chinese Immigrants were people from China hoping to strike rich in the Gold Rush. Once there travel was over they realized that all of the gold was gone. The Chinese Immigrants later became builders of the Transcontinental Railroad. Many Americans thought they were stealing their jobs so they told on the Immigrants. The Chinese Immigrants were sent back to China and were not allowed back into America. The Mormons were a group of people hoping to find religious freedom. They grew crops, dug wells and built dams. The Mexicans were a group living in the west making their own ways of life. They grew their own food, built their own forts, and had special instruments and dances. Meriwether Lewis and William Clark were sent by the president Thomas Jefferson to explore the new land and new types of living things. They traveled through Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska, Colorado, Wyoming, Idaho and ended up in Oregon City. The route they travelled on was later named the Oregon Trail. The Nez Perce were a group of people lead by Chief Joseph. Chief Joseph wanted to lead the Nez Perce to safer ground because he didn't want anymore people dying. When they were caught they were sent to a reservation. Finally, the Forty Niners was a group of men in their late forties hoping to strike rich in the Gold Rush. When all of the easy to find gold was gone