What Are Hamlet's Literary Flaws

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Pages: 2

The play Hamlet is centered around a man with many flaws, one of these flaws and what I believe to be the biggest, is the inability to act on things. Throughout the play in its entirity Hamlet cannot take action on anything. Whether it’d be suicide, coming to terms with his mother, killing his uncle, or even getting revenge for something someone else did to him, he still can’t come to do it.

Throughout the play Hamlet contemplates killing himself multiple times. Which he states it in one of the most notable literary quotes. He says (III, i, 127-129) “To be or not to be; that is the question.” In simplicity that is to be living or not to be living. This is the second time he has contemplated suicide but fails to because he is a coward and can’t act on things. Yes, he has reasons to why he doesn’t want to kill himself but he’s too indecisive to begin with. He is really just scared of what lies on the other side of life itself.
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How weary, stale, flat, and unprofitable seems to me all the uses of the world.” This quote explains Hamlet has lost meaning in his life and feels there is no need to continue with it yet he still cannot come to off himself because it is forbidden. He states all of this but he still lacks the spine to act on anything. Going from suicide to murder, Hamlet tries to kill his uncle. Hamlet’s inability to take action makes him hesitant towards killing Claudius. He says in the play (I, v, 69) “The time is out of joint, O cursed spite, that I was even born to set it right.” The quote is criticizing himself because he doesn’t take action.

Hamlet just can’t do anything. He isn’t capable of carrying anything out. Hamlet’s tragic flaw is his inability to act on anything. He fails to take action in suicide, murder, and some revenge. He is also to self-contradictory to act on anything. His indecisiveness plays a big role on him not being about to carry out any