What Did The Civil War Soldiers Eat Essay

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Pages: 3

Union Soldiers had better access to food due to location. The Union soldiers were from the North and there was a lot of food factories, so they could get more crackers and canned food conveniently right at their fingertips. (What Did The Civil War Soldiers Eat?) Hardtrack was the Union's main source of food, since it came in high supply and it was baked in Northern factories so it was easier to transport to the soldiers. The hard-bitten, rigid, concrete crackers were also called worm castles because worms and maggots would be crawling inside and out of them. Hardtrack lives up to its name, soldiers broke their teeth trying to eat them! (What Did The Civil War Soldiers Eat?) During the Civil War, Confederates were not as lucky as the Union. …show more content…
She went to the Capital Square and saw a young girl no more than eighteen was merely just skin and bones, like many others who were also starving. The woman gave an her a confused look and the girl got the message and said. ''This is all that's left of me. '' ''It seems real funny, don't it?... We are starving. As soon as enough of us get together, we are going to the bakeries and each of us will take a loaf of bread. That is little enough for the government to give us after it has taken all of our men.''(Bread Riot In Richmond) In conclusion, henceforth the worsened standard of the Confederate's "Food Block", could have had something to to do with the result of the Civil War. Since they lost its fact that they did something nothing wrong, obviously food was a very important role in the Civil War. So may terrible fates could and have happened to the side who's soldiers were starving to death, getting sick from eating anything they could, and I'm sure some of the solider who tried to steal got caught or maybe even killed. It's cool to think that certain amounts of food could shape the mold of a growing nation and could be the cause of a side's wins or