What Makes Odysseus A Hero

Words: 570
Pages: 3

From defeating Troy, leading his men through unknown places, traveling for years to be reunited with his wife, and concuring the imposible to do so. Odysseus is obviously the better hero when comparred to Perseus. His courage, outstanding achievments, and noble qualities are what gives Odysseus the win in this battle. No matter the task Odysseus was never phased by it. Always appearing to be strong and showing no sign of fear before the battle. Having all of this courage brushed off onto his men, making them feel more confident in themsleves. Deciding whether to go to war to defreat an enemy, or to stay home with your new born son is a tough choice. It showed Odysseus’ courage when he decided to go to war. To seperate himself from his family after just being brought together is a hard task. If this wasnt enough he was then cursed by Posioedon to never be able to return home again. Then yet again Odysseus showed his courage and kept trying and trying to get back to his world Ethica, to once again see his family. A hero is someone others admire, and its very well known that Ethica looks up to Odysseus for he is their king, but they also look up to him for what he’s done is his time. Some achievments that hes achieved are having his own world ruled by him. Not to many mortals can say that theyre the king of a world. Odysseus …show more content…
Persseus simply didn’t do anything hero worthy. All he did was seeked the gorgon’s head for his mothers wedding gift then turning everyone to stone. There’s no spectacular story behind it, it’s very straight forward. While Odysseus has to decide between going to war or staying with his wife and new born. But the hero in him chose to go to war, win the war, get cursed to never go home, then spent countless time a nd many years travelling home to kill all of the men wishing to take his place. So between those two choices, I’d say Odysseus is the