What's Wrong With Cinderella Analysis

Words: 706
Pages: 3

In “What’s wrong with Cinderella”, Peggy Orenstein, a feminist and most importantly, a mother, is faced with a conflict of allowing her child to choose whatever she wants or grab her away from the norms implied by Disney princesses on how she should be and act which may later on have an impact on her overall way of life which in my opinion is something her daughter would come to realize later in life.
Peggy narrated her personal encounters with the whole world’s perspective of “pink” for “girls” and “blue” for “boys” which has therefore made children exposed to gender typing. Most importantly, Peggy finds a big problem with Disney princesses, the message they send, and how money is being made out of little children/girls especially that want to be what they watch, “Princesses”. Peggy believes that this Princesses do not teach reality and rather it pushes children to growing up trying to be perfect and always wanting a man to live happily ever after because why? That’s how most princess stories end . This then make girls to later
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This contradicts the whole Disney idea of making children think they need to be as they are told. I believe all this comes naturally from the societal values since even with the absence of disney, girls have always been submissive to men. Disney therefore does not have any much negative influence on young girls.
In conclusion, I believe Peggy is trying too hard and that children really don’t think much into this and even if she argues that they do subconsciously i stand by saying the Princesses aren’t the ones starting the problem but the society and stereotypes and people get out of it and people who don’t end up getting out of it, may face the problems that Peggy had mentioned, which in accordance to what i previously said, didn’t start from disney