Where Sweatshops Are A Dream Analysis

Words: 554
Pages: 3

In his New York Times article “Where Sweatshops Are a Dream” Nicholas D. Kristof describes the life of people in a third-world nation. He brings the reader directly to the point and into the scene. He first describes this place as “a Dante-like vision of hell,” (109). He then describes this hell-like place as a wasteland where many individuals gasp for unsullied air through the filth in the breezes and indicates that many families and individuals are actually residing in places like these. Kristof assumes that the majority of his readers are Americans who have not been in or seen a third-world country. The problem he identifies is that there are not many sweatshops to facilitate individuals to come out of poverty. Kristof then continues about the child that wanders along barefoot, searching for plastic and recyclable items that will at least buy for five cents. These children and their families would cherish a job in a sweatshop. It would be “an escalator out of poverty.”(110) Kristof’s motive in this essay is to substantiate the reader that sweatshops are a dream to many individuals, manufacturing is one field that can provide jobs for many …show more content…
All because of sweatshops. Working at a sweatshop is not hitting rock bottom. To numerous people living in hardship, laboring at a sweatshop is a dream. In his essay, Kristof introduces a nineteen-year-old woman that searches for plastic for subsistence and she asserts, “I’d love to get a job in a factory.” She goes on and states, “At least that work is in the shade...” (110). He also presents a 10-year-old-boy that works in a factory because he had witnessed children that were scavenging for recyclable items getting run over by a garbage truck. Descriptions of these children suffering stimulates readers to feel