Who Is To Blame On The Titanic?

Words: 201
Pages: 1

In the story, Exploring the Titanic Robert D. Ballard, the reason that there was bad planning and bad luck caused many people to die on the Titanic was because everybody thought it was unsinkable. The text states that, “The ship had watertight compartment that would allow her to float indefinitely. There was much talk among the passengers about the Titanic being unsinkable.” Almost everybody thought that the Titanic would be unsinkable, so it seemed that no matter what would happen to it. It wouldn’t drown into the sea. This meant that the creators of the ship would not think they would need as many lifeboats as they did.
From the book, the hit to the Titanic was horrific. “The iceberg had struck a glancing blow, along the Titanic’s bow.”