Why College Should Be Cheaper

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Pages: 5

The job market currently is highly competitive, but unemployment rates in America are low. College enrollment has a direct tie with the low unemployment rates many find college unaffordable. Attending college can have a range of prices from $19,000- $64,000 and that includes tuition and fees. Though this varies depending on where you attend, whether it is out of state or in state or a public or private institution, it can easily drive young students into debt. College should not cost students as much as it does right now because it drives students into debt, it takes a lot of time and money that often is unnecessary, and it puts emotional and physical stress on students and families. Americans do not find the price of college worth the cost simply because of the high amounts of debt that it drives them into …show more content…
Typically this leads to student food insecurity and housing insecurity, and in the end this negatively impacts students mental and physical health, not only their health but their ability to succeed at college (Boise). In some scenarios, students have put themselves or their health at risk just to support themselves in their college education. All of these risks are due to the price of college education. If colleges lowered their education, students would feel more secure and be allowed to better thrive in their environments. But in contrast, employment rates for students after attending high school are at a current high, which has a beneficial impact on our economy. Showing that college education is not necessary for the work field. There is a decent amount of jobs young American adults can get with just a high school degree. Students find that if they can make money immediately after high school and begin to build their foundation, then why should they spend money on a college degree which would only put them into