Why Do African Americans Work Harder

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Pages: 3

Should minorities and African Americans work harder than everyone else? We should strive to be the best in anything and everything we do because of the pain our ancestors endured. In my opinion, our ancestors had experienced pain beyond belief, and African Americans should push themselves to be the best because of the hardships and sacrifices they have encountered. As you read on, you will understand why minorities and African Americans should work harder than anyone else.

One of the main reasons African Americans should work harder is because our ancestors went through slavery. According to Stefan Burry, [1]“Slavery lasted over 400 years in the United States, and over 2.5 million slaves were taken from Africa by force.” In 1619, the slaves were brought to Jamestown, Virginia, where they would be brutally whipped, murdered, raped, and tortured. Take time and look at the pain and sacrifices they went through so we can have our freedoms. Not only was slavery a hardship for many, but ending it, was even harder.

It was a catastrophe to try and end slavery in America. There was even a battle called the Civil War, which lasted from 1860 – 1864. Alan Stewart states that, [2]“Roughly 2% of
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In 1955, African Americans refused to ride city buses in Montgomery, Alabama, to protest segregated seating, which was called the Montgomery Bus Boycott. They were successful, and decided that they should have the “Sit-In Tactics,” where they would go in where they weren’t wanted, and peacefully sat there to protest segregation. Eric Foner and John A. Garraty say that, [6]“In the turbulent decade and a half that followed, Civil Rights activists used nonviolent protest and civil disobedience to bring out change. Finally with the signing of the Civil Rights Act of 1968 segregation was ended.” The end of segregation was successful, but even today we struggle to obtain