Why Is Chivalry Important In Our Society

Words: 684
Pages: 3

When it comes to being a gentleman, chivalry always comes to mind. Finding a chivalrous man in our society is still possible, one most only look around. But, what does it take to be a gentleman in the eyes of today’s girl or woman.? I have often heard people say, “Chivalry is gone”, but what does this phrase really mean? Chivalry, as defined by the Cambridge English Dictionary states; very polite, honest and kind behavior, especially by men towards women. The Knight’s Tale was written centered around what was considered courtly love, there were two knights contending for the love of a maiden in their society. Courtly love was known when a knight showed some form of love during the medieval times. Courtly love and chivalry both exhibit love and respect outside of marriage and physical relations. In this paper, I will prove chivalry is not dead but is alive and strong in the society and is extremely important. Understanding chivalry in our society today can be very patronizing and old-fashioned. The reason this is true is many men who finds themselves practicing what is considered “chivalrous behavior” are simply going through the motions. Those motions they are performing are done either because they believe women are inherently the weaker sex more in need of manly help and cannot manage without their assistance. This does not …show more content…
Take a moment to watch the news, read the newspaper or even sit and people watch at your local shopping mall. Wondering if chivalry is important misses the definition of the word. A more significant question that should be put forward is; Is chivalry alive in world today and in yourself? Do you hold a place in your life for the true meaning of chivalrous acts? During the Middle Ages chivalry was used to lessen the brutal fighting demonstrated while knights fought. The respect for women through chivalrous acts was used to display the decrease in violence used during the Medieval