Why Is Euthanasia Wrong

Words: 496
Pages: 2

Euthanasia is defined as the intentional killing of an individual who is suffering from a terminal or incurable illness by lethal injection or suspended medical treatment. The topic is widely controversial in our society as it involves ending a life. In some ways, it is frowned upon and is considered immoral but others believe one should have the right to pass away without withering or suffering. It provides a way for a patient or person with a terminal or permanent disease or condition to pass with suffering extreme pain. Not only to prevent from suffering but when their quality of life is low as well. Euthanasia not only benefits the victims but other who is seeking medical attention by freeing funds to help others. Overall it provides freedom of choice, to suffer or not. Although there are some pros, there are always some cons added to it. It could become a means of health care cost containment since the patient will be choosing to end their life opposed to receiving medical treatment until the moment comes. Also the practice involves a physical/doctor to give you the lethal injection, and should not have that burden to cause the death of other human beings and could result in the decline of physicians. And lastly, if legal, it could lead to the eventual non voluntarily use practice of euthanizing. …show more content…
I believe the most important reasoning for the opposed would be their religion. When one dies, they believe that God has chosen to take them from their loved ones nto His kingdom. To fulfill the wish of a suicide would be against the will of God since he has not yet chosen you to die. Also another religious reasoning would be one of the Ten Commandments, “Thou shall not kill”. But many people, especially ones whose family members are suffering see the morality of it as it is a choice they can make and causes no pain, but prevents