Why Is Genghis Khan Important To The Modern World

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Pages: 3

How Genghis Khan Made the Modern World To many Genghis Khan is a cold-blooded murderer and conqueror. While this could be true, he is more than that-- more than just an important historical figure in a history book. Genghis Khan is the idea of greatness. He, in many ways, shaped the modern world into what it is today; through fighting social classes, promoting based on merit, and doing something about issues that one might care.

First, Genghis Khan fought social classes. He had grown up in an environment that said, "You're worth less than the dirt on the ground." His tribe had abandoned his family after his father died, so he didn't like aristocrats because of his background. He executed some, "...as a clear warning the aristocrats of all lineages that they would no longer be entitled to special treatment" (Weatherford 44). He destroyed social classes by saying "All his followers were now one united people" (Weatherford 53). There was now no differentiation between aristocratic and regular people. Genghis Khan also killed the
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He made the whole tribe do public service. Genghis Khan also made kidnapping women illegal, made Mongols being slaves illegal, made all children legitimate, outlawed selling women into marriage, and criminalized adultery. Nearly all of these achievements were ahead of their time. Genghis Khan- to a degree- could even be called a feminist! He did a lot for women's rights because he felt they were important. Genghis made kidnapping women illegal because his wife was kidnapped, Genghis Khan didn't want women sold into marriage because Genghis cared about his people. He cared about soldiers when other leaders didn't care if they died, he felt isolated and hated so he didn't want his people to feel like that. For this reason and others, Genghis stopped religious persecution and allowed religious freedom. We find all of this in many first world countries, but he started