Why Is Snowboarding Important

Words: 517
Pages: 3

There was a time in my life when I thought outdoor activities were just annoying and I didn’t need them in my life. Snowboarding is one of my favorite hobbies. Along with snowboarding I enjoy hunting and many other outdoor things. What I didn’t realize was the significance this will have in the future at the time. I gained a lot of knowledge from snowboarding and outdoor things. Since I was a little kid, I was invited to go snowboarding and learn how to do it. I was very skeptical about it because I was afraid that I wouldn’t ever understand how to do it and I would just embarrass myself. Snowboarding takes a lot of effort to learn. It may not seem like it’s hard but think about it. You need an extreme amount of balance to do this sport. It takes months, if not years to learn One of my greatest weaknesses during my young ages was this sense of balance. I was not aware of the amount of …show more content…
Imagining myself as a father, I realized that this could be something I teach my future children. I could be a huge inspiration on my future kids and possibly any friends they meet on their journey of life. Being the type of person I am, I enjoy teaching others and guiding people to do things that can be helpful in their lives. I love to be an inspiration for people to go out and do big things. It may not seem important at the time but in the end it could be one of the biggest and best decisions you’ve ever made. In conclusion, I’ve been a huge snowboarding fan since my step father introduced me to this amazing sport. I enjoy doing things outdoors and socially. I never would have thought that learning something so simple like snowboarding could make such a large impact in my life. I hope to see many other kids take on things like this in the future and see them apply it to their lives in the future. It’s extremely amazing how learning something so small can make a dramatic change in your