Why Is The Lottery Wrong

Words: 504
Pages: 3

Humans are creatures of habit. When we form traditions or practices over long periods of time, we do not like to go away from them. Humans prefer to create comfortable patterns in life and they do not go away from them. The problem with this is when these patterns and traditions go out of date. It is dangerous to blindly follow traditions without questioning their validity. Traditions need to be examined and not carelessly followed. To emphasize, traditions need to be examined and questioned and not just executed. Without examination and questioning, people will not realize if a tradition is wrong or hurtful, nor will anyone remember why the traditions take place. “Although the villagers had forgotten the ritual . . . they still remembered to use stones” (Jackson 5). In the short story “The Lottery” the tradition of the lottery was a longtime practice that no one dared question. The unfortunate winner of this lottery was stoned to death afterwards. This murderous tradition is blatantly wrong and cruel, but the villagers took it as a fact of life, something that just has to happen. This type of thinking is dangerous because outdated practices lead to dreadful consequences. As new information and thoughts are recognized, old ways and habits become …show more content…
Being resistant to positive change restricts others from moving on from outdated thoughts and beliefs. In “The Lottery” Old Man Warner represents this restriction. “‘They do say’ Mr. Adams said to Old Man Warner. . . ‘over in the north village they’re talking of giving up the lottery.’ Old Man Warner snorted, ‘Pack of crazy fools,’ he said, ‘Listening to the young folks, nothing’s good enough for them’” (3). Old Man Warner symbolizes people who are unwilling to change for the better and to move on from old ways. Everyone in a community must be willing to change from old, outdated habits for anyone to make a