Why Should We Obey Laws In Colonial America

Words: 470
Pages: 2

In colonial America, our nation was just being founded. Over time, we developed values that made our country what it is today. Even back then, citizens had responsibilities to their land that they upheld. Laws were created, people voted, and people helped others. My responsibility to America is to obey the laws, participate in government, and to be a good person for my country.

Every citizen should obey the law. Laws are rules created for people to adhere to. They help protect an individual’s rights and security. For example, one shouldn’t commit murder because it is unlawful. Without a law to prevent murders, many people would not be safe. Another example would be food safety laws. Without them, many foods that people buy will not be safe for consumption, thus harming
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Participating in government is important. In order to participate, one can vote. Voting is important because my input can be perceived by the government. Without voting, some issues may not be dealt with. Another way to participate in government is to serve on jury. Jury service is important because it gives people a fair trial. A third way to participate is to pay taxes. People pay taxes to finance the government and pay for the military, roads, education, and more. Without taxes, we may not have the resources to fund these needs.

While people may obey the law and participate in government, there is another thing that a citizen can do. That one thing is to be a good person. A good country needs good people. A way to be a good person is to help others. I can help others by giving away things I don’t need to charities across the country. More ways to aid others is to volunteer for community service, like helping people in need and working at animal shelters. A way to be a good person is to just be nice. I don’t know what people have been through, and being kind can help someone who really needs it. Simple things can reach to many in