Why Was The Civil War Inevitable

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Pages: 2

In a way I think the Civil War was inevitable and in other ways I don’t think it was inevitable. So what was the Civil War? The Civil War is a war that started on April 12, 1861 and ended on May 26, 1865. So who fought in the war? The North and the South fought over slavery. Slavery was very popular in the South and that’s how people earned money to live on. In the North people were very much against slavery. They made their money by their manufacturing industry. The North and the South had verbally fought till the war had started. The North would blame the South on stuff they had never done, so in return the South did the exact same. The North and the South both started the war. The North had a lot more advantages than the South. The North had 22 million people, better weapons, and more railroad systems to transport the items. The South new the back roads, because the war was fought in the South, but they didn’t have many items to fight with and only had 9 million people. I think the Civil War could have been uninevitable in some ways. The North and the South could have made some type of agreement that made it where the South could only have so many slaves per plantation and there could only be so many plantations. The North and the South could have made some type of agreement, so they wouldn’t of had to fight. …show more content…
The war had two sides. Those sides are: was the war a good or bad choice. The war did have a point to it. It does make sense why the war had started. People back then didn’t know how to make an agreement, so to them there only option was a war. Also there wasn’t very good communication back then. The only way they had to communicate was by newspaper and the North’s newspaper didn’t go to the South and the South’s newspaper didn’t go to the North. This war is very important to American history and without this war we could have still had slaves now and it wouldn’t be fair to the African-