Wisconsin Fast Plants

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Pages: 4

Effects of fertilizer on Wisconsin Fast Plants development
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Methods The research question tested and observed within this experiment was, “Do different types of fertilizers affect the growth and development of Wisconsin Fast Plants?”
Wisconsin Fast Plants seeds were randomly separated into two groups: Osmocote Smart-Release (N=12 and Miracle-Gro Organic Choice (N=12). These groups were placed in four sets of planting units, each containing six cells (one unit containing the plants being treated with Osmocote Smart-Release pellets and one quad containing plants being treated with Miracle-Gro Organic Choice powder). Each plant group was watered through the same setup. A reservoir was filled
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Each of the unit cells was filled halfway with soil. In the units containing the experimental groups for the Osmocote Smart-Release pellets, 2-3 pellets were placed into each cell. For the units containing the Miracle-Gro Organic Choice experimental groups, each cell was sprinkled with 1 Tsp. of powder distributed evenly. The remaining space in the cells was filled with more moistened soil. Shallow depressions were then made with the soil in each cell, making sure not to be pressed so hard that the soil compacts. Then 2-3 seeds were dropped into each of the depressions just created. Enough potting mix was sprinkled on top of the seeds so that they were unable to be seen in each cell. Each cell was then watered gently with a pipet until the wicks started dripping. Lastly, the units were labeled with their group names and dates and placed onto the saturate water …show more content…
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