Women In Roman Society

Words: 977
Pages: 4

During the Roman society the status of a woman was about demands from her husband. Women were obligated to not refuge outside of her marriage. They had to do everything their husband told them to do. Husbands did everything they wanted with their wives. Throughout the Romans society women’s were valued as mother and house wives. They had to be faithful to their spouse. The husband could arrange the marriages of their daughters. He could also imprison his wife and children. If the wife cheated on his husband, that was a big offense and she was punished with death. Even getting drunk would cost her life.
The status changed from the early republic to the early empire because during the Roman society women did not have an opinion and had to do
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Hygiene prevents diseases. They take care of their hygiene when they bathe. The social needs because they meet different people while they bathed. Another thing is that they are classified in different rooms according to their wealth. They were rooms very nice decorated with marbles, statues of white marbles. In the bath house they could hear each other’s groans, big water splashes. They were never silent so that disrupted them.
The aqueduct was very important to the continuity and progresses of Roman civilization because the aqueduct was were the water came from and water was used for bathing and drinking. Water was used for many things. The progress of the Roman civilization was continuous because water is something that we need to survive and having aqueduct helped us maintain the water the water running. Also the aqueduct was used to convey the water and that’s how they bathed. Throughout the years it progressed more and more because it is easier for us to get water than back in the
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Just by reading we know exactly what happened and how things happened. I think it is interesting how we can learn things from years ago. I am still in shock with the part of the woman getting drunk and she would be killed because it was thought that adultery was going to happen because she was drunk. And now in this century people who cheat get divorced unless one starts acting without thinking and decides to end the other person’s life because they think that’s going to solve the problem. I love the way we can inform ourselves with all the interesting things we did not get to