Women Serve In The Military Research Paper

Words: 553
Pages: 3

Imagine this...You go through three hard and long months of doing 200 push-ups a day, 100 flutter kicks a day, a three mile run on the sand wearing boots on certain days, and more. You did all of this just to work to join the Navy SEALs. But when you complete the course and you just can't wait to go to combat. You get told that you can't serve in the military. Just because your a girl. This rule has changed though. Women are now allowed to apply for any job in the entire U.S. military. Women should be able to apply for all jobs in the military. Women have a different mindset than men. This can bring a whole new level of playing field to combat. Also, the more people ready to fight the better your odds are of winning the battle. And women will only add to the amount of people in the U.S. military. Finally, women have some physical benefits that man don't have.
To start off, women should be able to apply for all jobs in the military because of their unique mind set. Women’s brain remembers more verbal information than men. In result of this perk women can remember what pointers there instructors told them when the mission is on the line. To add, if a women was a high rank (If in the Navy SEALs it would be E5 rank) and is at the point of the formation that the platoon may be in, they could lead differently and save more lives. Finally, if
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population is made up of women. So wouldn't you think we would be recruiting women to join the military? Before we were not recruiting women to some areas of the battlefield, but now that we allow women in the military we will have a way bigger military. Also, with strength comes numbers. With the amount of new people joining the military along with all the new women joining, we will have more military power than before. And to wrap it up, we can control more land if we have more people patrolling! Women could be the missing variable to the most powerful