1. Were Your Objectives Appropriate For The Students That You Have?

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Pages: 2

Peer Teaching #2 Reflection Questions
1. Were your objectives appropriate for the students that you had? Explain. Did your students reach your psychomotor objective? How do you know? Answer the question for your cognitive objective also.
My psychomotor objective was appropriate because by the end of the lesson the students were able to throw with the proper form to a partner and a curtain that was 15 feet away. My cognitive objective was appropriate because by the end of the lesson the students were able to explain proper form by saying 1 of the 3 cues to the instructor. The affective objective was appropriate because the students were able to make an effort to keep everyone safe when practicing in general space.
2. Describe the effectiveness of your cues
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I would have demonstrated by the white line and not cross the line for a more accurate demonstration.
3. Describe your use (or lack of use) of content development in the lesson (extension, refinement, application).
To extension the shot put lesson I had each student step back after each successful throw and I gave the option to use a bigger or small implement. To refine the task, I allowed the students to go through the motions first then use a small implement only. My application task was the students started on one side of the court with their partner. Each partner would take turns shot putting aiming for the curtain then running to the curtain to allow their partner to throw next. First team to make it to the curtains all together wins.
4. What specific things did you notice from the video of your teaching performance? Be specific.
I noticed around 4:15 some students on the bleachers side we more focused on the implement and not the directions. I noticed at 5:09 a student was throwing instead of pushing the implement. Lastly, I noticed at 14:00 students were throwing their implements instead of holding on to them until I gave further