Project Consultancy Essay

Submitted By Jjbrown3
Words: 2474
Pages: 10



THE SHEFFIELD COLLEGE in partnership with

Management Consultancy Project

What this module is about
This module is designed to provide learners with an opportunity to develop first-hand experience with a relevant organisation. Learners will focus on issues or problems relevant to the learner and the host organisation.

Students will demonstrate an in depth knowledge of working practices and a broad knowledge of how the host organisation operates and functions

How this module will be taught
Students will be given advice and support throughout the module, with regard to their choice of organisation and project through to final conclusions. There will be 2 individual tutorials to provide supportive feedback for learning outcomes 1 and 2 at intervals which enable students to alter / improve their project. A variety of teaching and learning methods will be used, including:

• Lectures and directed reading to introduce theoretical concepts and managerial techniques
• Seminars will provide students with the learning environment to develop their project and consolidate learning through interactive discussion and student presentations
• Individual tutorial appointments to review progress and gain formative feedback
• Materials on the college VLE to support the personal, inter-personal and professional skills needed to successfully complete the project
• E-mail support from the tutor and peer support via forums on the college VLE

The tutor is allocated 50 hours for this module. They will decide how this is allocated in terms of whole class teaching, work with small groups and individual tutorials according to the needs of the group and the module. As this is a level 5 module you will be expected to be more independent of the tutor than you were in year 1, and can therefore expect less tutor contact. This is in order to help prepare you for work at level 6 at SHU, by which time you are expected to be an independent learner.
Learning outcomes
There are four learning outcomes for this module:
1. Identify and justify a management project
2. Conduct research using sources and analyse data and options
3. Make conclusions and recommendations that achieve the project aims
4. Show and review the results of the project

Module content
1. Identify and justify a management project
i. Determine a management area for investigation that has an implication for a work-related area ii. Identify the aim, scope and objective of the project iii. Justify the aim and objective of the report

2. Conduct research using sources and analyse data and options
i. Identify sources of data and information for the project ii. Analyse the data and information for options or alternatives that meet the project aim iii. Determine an option or alternative that meets the project aim

3. Draw conclusions and make recommendations that achieve the project aim
i. Evaluate the research to draw conclusions ii. Recommend a course of action to meet the project aim iii. Assess the impact of the project recommendations

4. Show and review the results of the project
i. Determine the medium to be used to show the results of the project ii. Produce the results of the project iii. Discuss the impact of the project on the work-related area

You will be assessed through two assignments; one management report (70%) which details the process and results of your investigation and one presentation (30%) which outlines the main findings and the impacts of your results. You will be expected to action the feedback from your report in your presentation.

Reading list and recommended websites
Easterby-Smith, M., Thorpe, R. and Lowe, A., 2002, Management Research: An Introduction, 2nd Edition. Sage Publications, London.
Jankowiccz, A. D. (2005) Business Research Projects, 4th Edition. Thomson Learning, London
Moon, J. A.