2.1 Explain How To Adapt Communication With Children And Young People

Words: 535
Pages: 3

There are many ways in which an adult can effectively support and extend the speech, language and communication development of children in the early years.

Firstly, in order to effectively communicate and allow them to learn and grow, you must make sure you are using language that is age appropriate and also language that is suitable for their needs, this is because all children develop at their own stages and some may be a bit more advanced with their language than others. It is also important to make sure you are speaking clearly and have clear instructions and conversations, making sure you are speaking at the right pace and also making sure that you are not giving them too much to take in. For example, instead of saying “Arthur, come inside because it is nearly lunch time and you need to get yourself ready” you could just say “Arthur, come inside it’s lunch time”
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If a child is feeling rushed or is feeling as though they are not being listened to, it is less likely that they will communicate with you effectively and may feel as though what they are trying to say is not important and can out them off wanting to speak further. Also, when playing with children, instead of asking many questions that may just get a yes/no response, asking what they are doing, what they are playing with and so on, allows them to not only hear more language from you for them to pick up but also allows them to express themselves better and become more confident with their