A Trip To Six Flags Research Paper

Words: 852
Pages: 4

June 2014 was the day of the graduation trip for middle school. Our graduation trip was to go to six flags. It's a place I wanted to go since elementary school. It's a place I dream of. It's a place where people always say it's exciting and amazing. I finally get to experience the Wonderland in my dream. The trip to six flags was on a cloudy day. That's the perfect day to go to the trip in June since June is a very hot month. My teacher that will supervise us for the day really loved roller coaster so he recommended us to ride the El Toro. El Toro was one of the highest and menacing rides in six flag. At the first glance of the roller coaster, I thought that was not a normal height for a roller coaster and thought it was very scary since I …show more content…
Our group was split into two halves. Half of us ride the roller coaster and the other half didn't ride it. I didn’t ride it because my heart was pounding very fast and I was trying to calm myself down from the first ride. The other half came back after we all calmed down. Then, we went to eat lunch which was delicious. After we finish eating, we took a walk to the haunted house. My teacher knew that we were scared of the high roller coaster rides so we went to the haunted house. I thought I was going to screamed or have some weird actions but it wasn't as frightening as for how the movies described or shown about the haunted houses. There weren’t any scary sights. There were only darkness and sounds. I took my earplugs out and started listening to my music so I can't hear anything which made me overcome the darkness and strange sounds. Later on, we took a less menacing ride since it doesn't have any turns or twists. That ride was much more interesting and fun than the other rides I took. I didn't have the feelings of my heart falling or my soul running out of my body. After a few more rides, we were tired and it was nighttime so we went