Accuracy Eyewitness Testimony

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Pages: 3

The Accuracy Eyewitness Testimony in Children with Respect to the Investigator’s Feedback This paper seeks to investigate the accuracy of eyewitness testimony in children with respect to the investigator’s feedback. “Eyewitness testimony referred to as the statement provided by the people who were present at the time of any occurrence” (reference from book). For example, a bystander who gave a very precise description of the event and when he saw the robbery at a shopping mall (from the book). However, many scholars have questioned the reliability of this method specifically when the courts use children as eyewitnesses (Greene, E. 1988). As there are many factors that affect eyewitness testimony like suggestibility, investigator’s feedback, stress, intelligence, social pressure[add more] (ref of book). This paper focuses on the social demand characteristics in children eyewitness, memory and suggestibility. As noted …show more content…
Also, it has been seen that the wording of the questions plays an important role in altering the representations of the memory of the events witnessed. In the same research, Bjorklund, Bjorklund et al (2000), observed that if the children are interviewed by the same interviewer at different time, their recall and recognition was facilitated. On the other hand, if the interviewer is the different person, their recall and recognition is distorted. This shows the importance of the encoding specificity principle. Consistent with other research, Dale, Loftus & Rathbun (1978), also declared that children are conscious of the latent message in the question. For example, “did u see the girl”? produces different response that the question “did u see a girl”? and also, they infer that the degree of suggestibility is high years before