Affirmative Action Argumentative Essay

Words: 922
Pages: 4

"You do not take a person who, for years, has been hobbled by chains and liberate him, bring him up to the starting line of a race and then say you are free to compete with all the others, and still just believe that you have been completely fair."(Affirmative Action, paragraph 1).Affirmative Action has also been called Positive Discrimination due to the fact it helps minorities and females have an equal chance at getting into places of higher education and into companies. The law affects companies and places of higher education by setting a quota, which requires a certain percentage of employees and students to be of a minority race and gender in an institution. However, controversy has followed the law since it was first passed back in 1965 because people see the law as unfair because it gives minorities and females an unfair advantage and when used by companies and places of higher education it can favor minorities and females over people who are more qualified for the position. Opponents of affirmative action believe that affirmative action is no longer needed in America due to the fact that America is not as racist and sexist as it once was; however, supporters of affirmative action believe that affirmative action is needed to help …show more content…
I believe that affirmative action is still needed in America to help minorities and females have an equal chance in a company and places of higher education. America is not as racist and sexist as it once was; however, I still believe we still have a long way to go until laws such as Affirmative Action do not need to be in place anymore. Affirmative Action helps companies and places of higher education to become more diverse in terms of race and gender. Although, I will engage in more research and keep an open mind on the topic to either change my opinion or help strength the way I feel about