Alan Turing Research Paper

Words: 1180
Pages: 5

Bombs fly through the air, exploding in fireballs that consume many soldiers. Machine guns sound in the distance, ending with the result of countless bodies strewn across the ground for miles on end.Tanks advance across this field of death, firing even more bombs towards the few soldiers trying to resist this deadly force called the Third Reich. Eventually, the last of the resistance is demolished, ending with a field of death and anguish. All of this known and predicted months before by a man named Alan Turing. Alan Turing was born in Paddington, London, in 1912 (O’Connor, Robertson). This was no ordinary man, with a brain so sophisticated and mathematical that average minds thought he was a lunatic. This man knew of this deadly war explained …show more content…
He delivered his report in March 1946, calling his design the ‘Automatic Computing Engine’ (Hodges). Years later Turing published ‘Computing machinery and intelligence’ in Mind. It is another remarkable report from his brilliantly inventive mind which seemed to foresee the questions that would arise as the computer developed (Hodges). Besides all his contributions and vital help in the Allied victory, Turing still faced problems in the social world. In the time of 1952, homosexuality was illegal, and anyone who chose to be different from the rest in a homosexual way was sent to jail. Alan Turing was, at the time, homosexual, and was arrested by the British Government because he had sent the police reports of a homosexual affair, in which he sent the reports because he was being blackmailed by the person he was courting (Hodges) He offered no other defense then to say he found nothing wrong with his actions. Alan Mathison Turing was found guilty in the line of homosexuality, and was given either the option of prison, or oestrogen injections. He chose the latter, returning to his academic pursuits (Hodges) Turing was found dead of potassium cyanide poisoning, with the cyanide found on a half eaten apple found next to his body. It was said to be suicide, but his mother never admitted to it, saying it was an accident. This was quite a tragedy, that even though all of his contributions, cracked codes and thousands of lives saved because of predicted wars, the man that did all that was sent to prison and committed suicide, unable to take the weight of it all. Countless lives were saved because of Turing’s machine, which cracked the German Enigma’s, from the easy Enigma’s to the hard Enigma’s, like the German Navy. Because of all this, Alan Turing’s vital contributions should be