An Effective Team Essay

Submitted By miramar2500
Words: 743
Pages: 3

An effective team:
There are several arguments as to what makes an effective team, team work has been by far on e of the concept that produces good result when it comes to working in groups. Working in group where the members are from diverse culture, background and different skills are accepted to be a good tool with expectation of great productivity. In a diverse group there would be members from different.
Background: Members from different background bring unique experiences and perceptions to the group. Different knowledge base and skills, the group can benefit from that pool of different culture. Each member possesses unique strengths and weaknesses.
Support: It is imperative that very member collaborates in making it a success. Individuals with diverse minds coming together have a lot to share, great opportunity for members to learn from one another while sharing their experiences and skills. It is a perfect arena for personal growth which in a long run will benefit the group.
Commitment: Every member must remain opened to the possibilities, be open minded. That requires to be committed to the group. Once a goal is set, it is the duty of every member to work toward reaching that goal, and that is possible with every member commitment, collaboration and willingness to do what is necessary for the team.
Learn from one another: One advantages for each member is to be able to learn and grow from that experience, helping one another in whatever area of needs within the context of the group. Be exposed to new ideas, cultures, experiences, perspectives. When managed properly, diversity in a group can boost strengths and complement the weakness of each member to make greater impact of the group than the sum of its members.
Brainstorming: Able to exchange ideas and perspectives can help members of the group reach out intellectually and gain a clearer understanding of the set goal and on a larger scale their impact. Members of a diverse group would be well-rounded having spent time with culturally diverse co-partners, and being exposed with other ideas and experiences.
HELP ME, HELP YOU HELP US: that would be the motto for the perfect team, the one where members are pooling together their effort for a common goal. Where the understanding is to boost the individual performance therefore impacting the productivity of the group, which is where the possibility of realizing the set goal lies.

CHALLENGES: None of what was discussed is possible if there is
DIFFERENT BACKGROUNDS without any collaboration from the members. A group where the members are individuals that are less than opened to the possibilities and not working together. Individuals that are not ready to accept changes and others from different background, cultures, ethnicity, religions, those that are considered different.