Analysis Of Chris Mccandless In Into The Wild, By Jon Krakauer

Words: 667
Pages: 3

Is life on the road suited for everyone? The book, Into the Wild by Jon Krakauer, gives you a taste of what it’s like, by following one young man, Chris McCandless, escaping his city life and being on his own. Many people would not be able to do what he did, they wouldn’t even try. Everyone should consider going out on their own, even if what Chris did is not for everyone. Chris McCandless wanted to escape. He no longer wanted to be a follower of societies rules. He did not want to be what his parents wanted him to be. He wanted to be himself, so he left. He left the city, he left his family, he left everything he owned to go into the wild. Going out on your own without any real belongings, besides the clothes on your back and whatever you