Ap Biology Pre Test

Words: 1201
Pages: 5


1. What does DNA stand for?
A. Deoxyribonucleic Acid
B. Deoxyrinonucleic Acid
C. Deoxyribonucleic Antacid
D. Deoxyrinonucleic Antacid
2. What makes up the nucleotides of DNA?
A. Sugar, Phosphatase and Nitrogenous base
B. Ribose Sugar, Phosphate and Nitrogenous base
C. Sugar, Phosphate and Nickle base
D. Deoxyribose Sugar, Phosphate and Nitrogenous base
3. Which of the following best describes a DNA molecule?
A. double helix
B. contains ribose
C. made of amino acids
D. contains Uracil
4. Why is DNA important?
A. it is very small and very complicated
B. it's in everything
C. it serves as the blueprint for traits of all living things
D. because we eat it every day for energy
5. Which 2 molecules forms the sides (backbone) of the DNA
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It looks like a twisted ladder or spiral staircase. The sides are made up of sugar molecules and phosphate groups that contained hydrogen, phosphorus, and oxygen. The steps of the ladder are formed by nitrogen base pairs. There are four kinds of nitrogenous bases in DNA nucleotides in DNA: adenine (A), guanine (G), belong to a group of compounds known as purines. The remaining two bases (T), thymine and cytosine (C) are known as pyrimidines. Purines has two rings in their structure, whereas pyrimidines have one …show more content…
Extract DNA from dragon fruit with the use of available
2. materials at home.
3. Perform simple filtration.
4. Observe what DNA looks like to the naked eye.
5. Learn that DNA is found in every living thing.
6. Draw conclusions regarding the structure and function of DNA.


1. Put a ripe fresh piece of peeled dragon fruit in a beaker with 20 ml of detergent/salt solution. 2. Crush the fruit into a smooth liquid consistency with a spoon if mortar and pestle is not available.
3. Strain the mixture into the second beaker with a piece of cheesecloth.
4. Add 5 ml of meat tenderizer solution to the dragon fruit solution and stir.
5. Pour the banana solution into the test tube.
6. Pour 6 ml of cold ethanol on top of the dragon fruit solution in the test tube.
7. Let the test tube sit until the bubbling stops.
8. The DNA is now floating at the top of the alcohol layer. Carefully swirl a glass rod in the floating DNA. You should be able to see small "threads" of DNA.
9. Sketch and label the test tube and its