Ap World History Dbq Essay

Words: 534
Pages: 3

During 1812, I would oppose war with Great Britain because neutrality was in the favor of America. Primarily, the establishment of Jay’s Treaty was dependent upon America’s neutrality. In exchange for being neutral, the American government was pardoned of its debt owed to Great Britain and was no longer required to carry the burdened. Furthermore, Britain’s existence in America ceased because claims of British forts on American soil were abandoned. Lastly, the American economy could expand because compensation was paid for the ships loss during the American Revolution and trading ports in the West Indies and India were open to the United States. One must realize the importance of being able to trade with the West Indies; the West Indies were import-based societies because the main source of their economy was based on sugar exportation. Therefore, they were dependent on trade to meet their basic needs such as foodstuff and raw materials and with the diversification of the America economy the United States could prosper from this trade relation. …show more content…
Therefore, it cannot be said that the American government was “looking out” for the interest of the north while neglecting the south. Additional, interest for the south can be viewed through Pinckney’s Treaty and Treaty of Fort Greenville. Due to the fact that America remained neutral Jay’s Treaty was able to go into effect and cause Spain to form Pinckney’s Treaty, which granted the United States the right to navigate the Mississippi River and access to the port of New Orleans. Above all, the south was protected because the Spanish authority prohibited the Indians in Florida from launching raids. In addition, the Treaty of Fort Greenville ended the Northwest Indian