Ap World History Dbq Research Paper

Words: 1207
Pages: 5

During the Europe tumult around the 1600s, England and many other Europe countries are facing economic turbulence and rebellions. People losing their jobs and properties and eventually run out of money for paying taxes. Among the situation, people saw the great potential in North America. Other groups of people also left England for the unpleasant relationship with the national church. All these people became the pioneers of America immigrants. They start to grow businesses, for example, tobacco fields are highly profitable and guaranteed for making money in the southern colonies. As the business and city grow, they soon realized if they want to become more wealthy, they will need more labors. Tons of men were being delivered to the New World which is …show more content…
Slave became popular. They are also very cheap in the 1700s, way cheaper than the works in England (Franklin 1751). The best sentence to describe these are might be the words from Charles Dickens in his book called (-- removed HTML --) : “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair. (Dickens 1859)” While the economy was recovered from post-war depression, the dark side also remains. Upper-class people get ties and dresses, slave get corn flour bag and naked. There is much information can be found today that consist with slavery history, but nothing is like Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, An American Slave. In this book, Frederick Douglass refers him as the first-person view and talks about his life as a slave. Things have changed over time; his experience is different from the earlier colonial labor. Douglass had recorded his darkest time of his life, there are many factors caused his life view to change such as: how slaves lived, what kind of abuse did they receive, and how slavery changes