Being A Visual Learner

Submitted By wmcgowan
Words: 370
Pages: 2

After taking the online assessment, I was not surprised to discover I am a Type Three Learner. being a Visual learner, it's imperative that I am able to observe first and then listen, in my profession as a Mental Health Social worker, because my interview with my client depends upon their mental state, at that time, if the client is suicidal or having suicidal ideations, decompensating, auditory or visual hallucinations, it's best to calm the client, prior to speaking, allowing the client to speak first or vent. This is important for clients who are diagnosed with DSM-IV 295.30 Schizophrenia Paranoid Type. Two years ago, I assisted a client with obtaining low income housing, because she moved from her home with her husband, because she constantly accused him of taking or moving her important papers. She began to carry a backpack with papers. This client was a visual leaarner, because due to her illness she experienced auditory hallucinations. When she moved into her apartment within a month she accused the maintenance person of breaking into her apartment and placing something red in her insulin bottle. The situation worsened and she was asked to leave, I contacted her daughters, they moved her out of state and probated her due to her decompensated state.Some of the characteristics of the Visual
Modality are, needing to see the material while listening to it. Will learn easily from movies, computer programs, et., other media where the material is presented visually.With the widespread mandate of deinstitutionalization beginning in the 1960's, case management activities became prominent as many thousands of mentally