Battle Of King's Mountain Research Paper

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Pages: 3

Five and a half years after the American Revolutionary War began, The Battle of King’s Mountain took place . It took place 9 miles south of the present-day town of Kings Mountain, North Carolina in rural Cherokee County. Battle of King's Mountain Definition: The Battle of King's Mountain was a military conflict between the Kingdom of Great Britain and its thirteen colonies in North America during the American Revolutionary War (1775-1783).

The Patriot military force defeated the Loyalist military force commanded by British Major Patrick Ferguson of the 71st Foot. They were strong mostly gaunt men in deerskin maybe a thousand of them. With knives on their belts and long huntsmen’s rifles across their saddle. By the autumn of 1780, the primary theater of the American Revolutionary War was in the South. Colonists and British having fought each other to a standoff in
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Colonel Campbell’s force suffered just 28 killed and 60 wounded.Only one hour later, Ferguson and scores of his troops were dead, and the remainder, many wounded, taken prisoner. Only two Major battles had been fought in the South in 1780, Charleston and Camden, and the Whigs had been defeated at both.While stopped on the Biggerstaff land, the rebels convicted 36 Loyalist prisoners. Some were testified against by Patriots who had previously fought alongside them and later changed sides. Nine of the prisoners were hanged before Isaac Shelby brought an end to the proceedings. His decision to halt the executions came after an impassioned plea for mercy from one of the Biggerstaff women, although accounts vary as to whether it was Martha Biggerstaff, Aaron's wife, or Mary Van Zant Biggerstaff, Benjamin's wife. As the Patriot army dispersed, all but 130 Loyalist prisoners escaped, while being led single file through the woods, over the next few days before the column finally reached camp at Salem, North